
Friday, June 24, 2016

Signs Everywhere

After sharing the details of the Costa Rica Wellness Retreat I decided to use this experience to also launch Fit Indy Parties.  I'll be bringing fitness parties to the Indianapolis metro area.  What better way to kick off this venture than a HUGE party in Costa Rica!

I keep starting to write this post but never finish and publish it. I think I'm bored just talking about my week. Is there anything else that you'd like to see from me each week?

JUNE 12 I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's MUSCLE UP 2B FIT Legs & Arms workout.

JUNE 13 I had a yoga session with Adriene.  I read chapters 10 & 11 during lunch.

JUNE 14 I did the Back, Chest, & Shoulders workout. I weighed in up another 3 lbs. I expected to be up with 3 nights in a row not cooking dinner but not that much.

JUNE 15 I did the 21 Day Fix Total Body Cardio workout, expecting to not be able to walk because of the showers in the forecast all day.  Turns out it was still bright and sunny so I could've walked.  Go figure!

JUNE 16 I did Pilates.

JUNE 17 I worked my legs and arms.

JUNE 18 I did the shoulders, arms, and abs premix.

SUNDAY we had a squirrel visit the window bird feeder. Tiger of course spotted it first. She went nuts behind my head so I turned around to see what she was doing. I laughed about it, bringing Austin out from the computer room. The three of us were entertained for quite a while!

As everyone knows Monday was the longest day. The morning I had another yoga session before facing the heat.  I walked during lunch for the Alzheimer's Association's campaign. I got turned around trying to avoid road construction, resulting in being out longer than planned.

After I got back I called NETA to order the test only option for the Wellness Coach Certification exam. I'd planned on taking the test by the end of the month but we have our audit next week at work. So my goal is pushed out a couple of big deal.

TUESDAY I worked my back, chest, and shoulders. At Weight Watchers I weighed in down but still above my window.

YESTERDAY I worked my legs and arms.

TODAY I did Pilates.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. Thanks for sharing! It's so inspiring to see other peoples workout routine

  2. Thanks for the inspiration! Always looking for ways to change up the routine :)

  3. Thank you for sharing I always like to see what others are doing to help give me ideas when switching up my routine. Had to giggle about the squirrel my dogs are the same way!

  4. Look forward to hearing more about your fitness parties they sound fun

  5. Sounds like it was a great week!

  6. A fitness party sounds like fun! Hope you have an amazing time in Costa Rica. It's such a beautiful country!

  7. Your routines have so much variety!! I need to start doing this.

  8. Great week! You are inspiring me to shake things up a bit and change my routine!!

  9. fitness party sounds so much fun.. i wish we had some in fort worth as well..

  10. Fitness parties are a great idea.

  11. Sounds like a busy week! My cats go CRAZY over pretty much everything on the other side of the window, haha

  12. Sounds like a full week! I've been doing a lot of yoga recently, but I think I may need to try Pilates soon.

  13. Cassi - you're always getting a lot of cross training done throughout the week - I'm sure this feels great! Haha - squirrels and bird feeders - quite an entertainment indeed!Fitness Parties are a great idea! Enjoy Costa Rica!

  14. Fitness parties sounds like a great activity. And Costa Rica sounds wonderful!

  15. Wow! How cool to be hosting a fitness retreat in Costa Rica. The Fit Indy Parties sound like a great idea too. Good luck as you start these new ventures. My dogs go nuts over the squirrels in our back yard. Thanks for linking Cassi!

  16. I'd go to a fitness party! Sounds fun!

  17. Nice week of workouts! A fitness retreat in Costa Rica sounds wonderful to me!!! 🍹🌴🌞
