
Friday, July 1, 2016

Hello July!

Can you believe half the year is over already?  These first 6 months seem to have flown by!

July - December

I keep adding to what I have left to do this year.  July and October appear to be my busiest months.
  • July
    • Wellness Coach Certification Exam
    • FitBloggin' (so many are backing out lately)
    • Austin starting high school
  • August
    • Nothing YET
  • September 
    • 37th Birthday
  • October
  • November
    • 8th Anniversary
    • Thanksgiving
    • Austin's 15th Birthday
  • December
    • Holidays in Ohio

What's in store for you the rest of 2016?

Week in Review

SATURDAY I melted in my garden for about 2 hours. Staked the rest of the tomatoes. Created a structure for the zucchini to climb.

MONDAY I worked my back, chest, and shoulders with Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Muscle UP 2B Fit.

TUESDAY I worked my legs and arms. In the afternoon I purchased a subscription to Precision Nutrition's ProCoach. I will be using this both as the nutrition portion of my coaching programs as well as a standalone option.

WEDNESDAY I walked almost 3 miles during lunch. At the farmer's market I picked up blueberries, zucchini, and a fruit roll up.

YESTERDAY I had a busy mental day. I started with yoga before work.

I created the sign up page for a 30 day free trial of the Nutritional Guidelines. Those in the Brand New Me Healthy Living Community will have first dibs on the trial.

My Wellness Coach Certification exam is now scheduled for the 14th. I'm trying to decide if I'll work beforehand or take the whole day like the last time.  It'll probably depend upon the weather LOL

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. As I was reading your list for the rest of 2016 I was compiling my own in my head (and freaking out a little). I have a lot of stuff on my plate! I'm most excited about my level 2 FST training in October, and Blogfest in July (in just 2 weeks!), but I also have a couple Rock 'n' Roll races coming up and a few other things.

  2. Seems like you had s productive week which lead nicely into the long weekend! Enjoy it!!

  3. The rest of this year is super busy for me too, especially July, August, and October, but then we have the holidays so it doesn't show any signs of slowing down, haha. I'm taking next week as a staycation to unplug a little and hopefully help me get revved up for everything to come.

  4. This year has seriously gone by SO fast! Looks like your year is going well! :)

  5. The year is certainly flying by for me as well! Your fit Indy parties sounds like lots of fun

  6. Good luck on your exam! I really haven't taken a full look at everything I plan to do for the second half of the year other than races. Time is flying!

  7. I'm having trouble looking ahead to next week, much less the whole year! I'm just waiting for my PF to calm down so I can plan on my races for the rest of the year.

  8. My next six months are gonna be crazy....a few races happening in the next two weeks (including my 12-hour ultra)...then training begins for Route 66 Marathon. I have a few half marathons also on the fall roster. Looking forward to some great races!!

  9. m so ready for this year to be over...isnt it nice to have monthly goals so you have something to look forward to? i may have to do something like that..

  10. I can only look at this year a few months at a time. I'm just trying to get through the summer first!

  11. You've had a busy week! And a busy year ahead. I think it's good to stop and assess periodically to get focused and back on track, as well as to motivate you for the fun things coming up!

  12. I can't believe the year is half over, I need to get on it :-) Best of luck on your Exam!!

  13. Why are people backing out of fitbloggin? Oh no. What have I missed? What do I need to know?

  14. What a great week you had and a busy rest of the year. I wish I could go t Fitbloggin, I went a few years back and loved it.

  15. I need to work on my plans for the last half of the year! I love to keep busy :)

  16. 2016 is definitely flying by. I also have a lot on my calendar for the second half of the year. I think I have more weekends filled than I have free weekends at this point.
