
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Standing Out

Welcome to June everyone!  Who all is participating in our #SummerFitChallenge on Instagram?  Today's exercise is jumping rope for the 30 seconds.  I didn't get it done this morning so I'll have to do it when I get home.  I haven't jump roped since high school gym class!  Here are the rest of the exercises for you to follow along.

🔛 Are you ready for the #summerfitchallenge starting tomorrow? Here are the daily exercises we'll be doing. How many reps can you complete in 30 seconds? ⌚ 📜 The Rules 📜 Share your reps completed every day in comments on this post or on your own picture/video with the challenge hashtag. Be sure to tag me when you share so that I can repost! Your account can't be private. To be eligible for the weekly prizes you must be active and engaged daily. Let's do this! 👙🌞 #fitmom #fitfam #LAWRTW #LongAndWindingRoad #LongAndWindingRoadToWellness #BrandNewMe #fitnesschallenge #exercise #workout #healthyliving #nogymneeded #ChooseSelfLove #TheFitpreneurLife #IndyFitness #FitIndy #WellnessCoach #IndyCoach The lovely hostesses of this challenge are: @FemmeFitaleFitClub @SweshFit @FitFaithLife @TheSHGCommunity @4FitMommas @LongAndWindingRoadToWellness @TheFrugalExerciser_ Prizes sponsored by: @theshgcommunity @spri Shred Lifestyle, & @femmefitalefitclub
A photo posted by Cassandra Schmigotzki (@longandwindingroadtowellness) on

Standing Out

I'm an introvert (also highly sensitive) so I don't feel comfortable shouting from the mountaintop about who I am and what I can do for potential clients.  I've always been a behind the scenes kinda gal so becoming a Wellness Coach is forcing me to come out of my shell, going beyond my comfort zone.  (This new workout outfit is definitely in that category!)

Looking for ways to make myself stand out as a viable option for my ideal clients.  I'm here to help people 40+ who are new to healthy living start their journeys and those returning after a hiatus get back on track through healthy eating strategies, fitness plans, and personal development.  I've shared relevant parts of my story around the web.  I briefly research potential solutions for dilemmas or questions of members in the Brand New Me Healthy Living Community. But I must find the thing that propels me forward. If you've been around a while, what makes me stand out in your mind?

Week of Workouts

THURSDAY I did the 21 Day Fix lower body workout.  During lunch I read chapter 5 of Lifestyle Wellness Coaching.

To celebrate Austin finishing middle school I took him to Applebee's for dinner for the Wood Fired Menu.  We played trivia on that gadget on the table for a while when waiting for our food.  At one point I caught a rare image of him.  Austin didn't try to take my phone away from me this time LOL.

FRIDAY I read chapter 6.  The outfit I won from Nicole at Fitful Focus from Reebok's Honor Your Days campaign was sitting on my front porch when I got home.

SATURDAY it took me 3 hours to dig out the west side of the garden with Austin dumping the dirt.  I don't know if I was faster digging or Austin was faster than Benny dumping the dirt.  The clay soil we have is so tough to work with.

SUNDAY I lay down the fabric and dirt then planted everything.  Tomato, black bean, radish, carrot, basil, spinach, zucchini, and lettuce are all planted now.  It took 4 hours to pull it off alone.  I ended up being sunburned on my shoulders and upper back.

YESTERDAY I didn't feel fully recovered after resting Monday so I did yoga.

TODAY I did Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Split Session Upper Blitz.  During lunch I walked 2.85 miles around downtown after picking up some arugula at the farmer's market.  I know that I had several glances wearing this outfit.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. Love that vegetable garden! Nothing beats fresh garden produce, nothing. Have a great weekend!

  2. Congrats to Austin for finishing middle school!
