
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lesser Known Antioxidant Sources

Image courtesy of Aduldej /

With the constant onslaught of information on health benefits and new innovations in the medical field, it can be exhausting trying to figure out what techniques or products you should use to stay fit and healthy. By having a balanced diet and exercise regimen you have already won half the battle, but what else can be done to maintain the peak of health? Adding more antioxidant rich foods to your diet can keep you healthy for longer as well as filling you up. Some foods that you wouldn't have thought contained so much healthy punch can be the easiest way to supplement your diet and longevity.

The importance of an antioxidant-rich diet is crucial to maintaining health. Whether it is from lifestyle choices or from environmental reasons, free radicals harmful byproducts that cause illness and aging. As free radicals are brought into the body, they piggy-back oxygen into the bloodstream. Too much oxygen within the cells causes them to die and that is what gives the appearance of wrinkles as well as inhibiting healthy cell growth. By eating foods that contain antioxidants, you can help to offset this harmful process.

Blueberries Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane / Raspberries Image courtesy of adamr /
Strawberries Image courtesy of rakratchada torsap /

Berries have been shown to contain some of the highest percentages of antioxidants among the produce studied by doctors and health officials. Any fruit ending in the word berry is a good standard to judge. Blueberries have been shown to have the highest amount of antioxidants but other fruits like strawberries and raspberries have shown high percentages as well. Plums and apples are other types of fruit that contain a ton of antioxidants. So make a yummy fruit salad with some yogurt and granola and get all those antioxidants to work.

Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat /

Beans have also been shown to have the highest percentages of antioxidants per serving. Red, black and kidney beans are some of the best types of beans to ingest for the maximum amount antioxidants. Adding beans to stews, soups or dinner can help you keep you full and healthy.

Veggies like artichokes and carrots can also provide you with the recommended amount of antioxidants for your diet. They may not be your favorite forms of produce on the shelf or you may have picky kids at home that refuse to eat them, but try making them into soups, dips or side items because the nutritional value is crucial to help growing children.

It should be obvious at this point that your mom was right when she told you to eat your fruits and vegetables because they are the best things that you can do for yourself nutritionally. But maybe something your mom didn't know is that red wine has been shown to contain huge amounts of antioxidants like resveratrol that can help combat things like heart disease and diabetes. A glass of red wine every night with your vegetable packed dinner and fruity dessert can be one of the best things you do for yourself. Just remember to drink in moderation. The Pearl Wine Company and Julia Childs always recommend “Everything in moderation, even moderation.”  

This post was written by M.G. Bachemin in association with PearlWine Co. She has an interest in health and wellness, as well as living a fulfilled life.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dropping and Looking for a Spa Day

I dropped another 2.4 lbs this week!  I knew it was another loss but I didn't think it was more than a pound.  Sorry, I forgot to weigh myself before going to bed to get the naked weight.  So instead, this morning I tried something different.  (There still was a 2 lb difference between Weight Watchers and my scale.)

I've read so many places that you shouldn't weigh yourself right after a workout.  I did the Rockin' Body Party Express workout this morning (25 minutes, 203 calories).  It wasn't a huge workout for me yet the scale reflected a .2 lb gain.  So I'll have to agree with what I've been reading.

These are the final days for Rockin' Body and I don't have a program lined up since the 21 Day Fix is on backorder.  I know I'd get bored if I continued for another month.  So I'm going to be exploring the library's collection again this week to see what I can come up with.

I've decided that I want to do some kind of spa day to celebrate my first year.  Now to figure out where and when....There are so many places and I don't know anyone that goes regularly to get any recommendations.  What sources do you look at for service referrals such as this?

Best Burn of the Week

Two days in a row with the same calorie burn but Monday was a little shorter timeframe.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Broiled Chicken with Clementine Salsa - Tasty Tuesday #8

Time for another recipe that I got from Relish.  This recipe was actually for Grilled chicken but since I don't have a grill and it's winter I broiled it in the oven.

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (The chicken was HUGE from Sam's Club so I only used two.)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons garlic, minced
1 teaspoon dried oregano (I also added basil.)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 Roma (or plum) tomatoes , sliced
4 clementines, peeled and chopped
2 green onions , chopped (I subbed half of a regular white onion.)
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar (I subbed with rice wine vinegar.)

TOPPING (If you don't have breadcrumbs)
2 slices white bread
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons Italian parsley
coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

1.  Place the chicken between 2 slices of plastic wrap and using a meat mallet, pound thin. (This can be difficult as the chicken likes to explode through the plastic wrap!) Place chicken in a large ziptop bag. In a small bowl, combine the olive oil, garlic, oregano and salt and pepper. Pour over the chicken and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

2.  Preheat broiler. If you're making the topping, pulse the bread in a food processor until fine crumbs form. Place in a medium skillet with olive oil and the parsley. Toast for 3-4 minutes over medium-low heat to a golden brown. Remove to a bowl.

3.  Add the tomatoes, oranges and onions to the skillet with another tablespoon of olive oil. Sauté over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Add vinegar and season with salt and pepper. 

4.  Broil the chicken for 5 minutes per side or until cooked through.

5.  Serve the chicken on individual plates topped with orange sauce and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.  

Per Serving:  337 calories; 29 grams protein; 19 grams total fat; 1 gram fiber; 3 grams saturated fat; 11 grams carbohydrates; 68 mgs cholesterol; 178 mgs sodium; 9 WW points plus

I never thought I'd like the taste of salsa with clementines.  I just didn't think it would mix well.  This was so delicious!  However, if you don't use all the salsa throw it away.  It doesn't taste good reheated!  This is definitely a recipe I'll make again.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

70 lbs Gone!

This week I lost what I gained last week plus the .2 lbs from the previous week (1.4 lbs), reaching a total loss of 70 lbs!  (Naked weight was 2 lbs less than my official weigh in.)  I didn't do anything to celebrate the total loss last night.  I actually fell ill, feeling overheated and lightheaded.  I still felt weak this morning so I only did a 10 minute workout.

Best Burn of the Week

One month from today marks my one year anniversary of hopping on this long and winding road to wellness (the night I signed up for Weight Watchers).  I've been asking on Facebook and G+ what I should do to celebrate.  I've received responses from eating out for a special meal to going to the spa.  I'm leaning towards the spa idea.  What would you do or have you done to celebrate your first year on this type of journey?

Linking Up with

Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Weekend Block Party Blog Linkup

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tasty Tuesday #7

Well, these link ups didn't catch on as much as I hoped.  Next week will have a recipe, either mine or a guest recipe.  If you're interested in sharing a recipe here for #TASTYTUESDAY please read the guest post guidelines and submit.

Solo Beverage

What I was expecting to see

I thought for sure I'd see beverage recipes like this.

Yummy fruit!

If only all Raw looked this good!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Clothed or Naked

Well, I was up 1.2 lbs again this week because of TOM.  Oh well...I'll be back to losing next week.  It's supposed to be in the 40s next week, even near 50, so I might be able to add some kind of activity outside.  I'm so tired of being cooped up indoors!

I've always been curious what the true weight difference is when you weigh yourself with and without clothes.  Yesterday I received an Ozeri scale that I'll be reviewing after playing with it a while.  So before I went to bed I had to try it out.

I was wearing a turtle neck, jeans, leggings, bra, panties, and socks.  I removed everything but my glasses (and the phone) to take the picture.  So what I wore yesterday weighed about 3.8 lbs.  At Weight Watchers I normally don't remove my shoes (but did so at last night's weigh in) so there's probably another pound or so on my official weigh ins.  Would you like me to share the clothed or naked weight each week?

While writing this post my phone started acting weird, asking for my Google password, and not letting me do anything else.  I tried pushing the power button for a restart but that didn't work.  So I did the old force shutdown by removing the battery.  Now it's stuck on the Samsung startup screen. Guess they'll be sending me another phone....

Best Burn of the Week

Linking Up with

Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Healthy Beverage Recipes - Tasty Tuesday #6

Where did everyone go? Because there was only one submission I'm keeping the linky open another week.
Only the Lonely

Please feel free to go back to last week's post and link up your healthy dessert recipes.  I'll post both favorites next week.
Please share your favorite healthy beverage recipes from your blog, whether it be a smoothie, cocktail, or something else you've cooked up.  Please visit at least one other recipe that's linked up.  My favorite recipes will be pinned on my Tasty Tuesday board.  Those not highlighted the next week will be pinned on one of my other recipe boards (provided there aren't an overwhelming number of entries).

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

When You Think about it #LoveThighself

This month I'm participating in the Love Thighself challenge from Run DMT and the Mom Buzz.  Every day try to share something POSITIVE about yourself. Try to come up with something different every day – 28 compliments! Amazing, right? Share these positive thoughts however you are comfortable with the #LoveThighself hashtag.  Most of my positive things are posted on the event page on Facebook but there are a few tweets I've done.

Saturday I went to Goodwill's 50% off sale and saved over $40!  I picked up several size 12 pants, jeans, and skirts, as well as a cute Medium skirt.  Yes, I realize it's tight but it's more for spring anyway!

Since December 18th I've lost:
1.5 inches off my thighs
1.25 inches off my arms
.5 inches off my hips
No change in my bust or waist
And I weighed in last night down another 1.4 lbs!  Feeling awesome! 

There was a huge overwhelming response to the release of the 21 Day Fix. The base kit is already on backorder for late March shipment! Now I have no clue what workout I'm doing in March.

I'd like to feature stories of anyone who's doing Weight Watchers and the 21 Day Fix.  I'd need their story, before & after Fix photos, how they incorporated the Eating Plan with the Points Plus or Simply Filling program, and their results.  If you or anyone you know is interested please send them my way! 

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Weekend Block Party Blog Linkup

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Healthy Dessert Recipes - Tasty Tuesday #5

So many good dinner recipes this week it was difficult to narrow down and pick a favorite!

My Favorite

I went with this recipe because I miss having chicken nuggets.  I haven't had any in so long!

Please share your favorite healthy dessert recipes from your blog.  Please visit at least one other recipe that's linked up.  I've enabled likes on the linky so you can select your favorites. Your likes and my favorite recipes will be pinned on my Tasty Tuesday board.  Those not highlighted the next week will be pinned on one of my other recipe boards (provided there aren't an overwhelming number of entries).
Next week's theme:  Beverages