Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! - Welcome to 2014

Sorry for skipping out on you after completing the Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge.  Never got in those after pictures.  It was crazy around here trying to get ready for Christmas with my family in Ohio.  It was the first time we had Christmas BEFORE Christmas so we kind of had to rush everything.

My Slim in 6 for the Holidays Losses
4.8 pounds
.5 inch off my thighs
2 inches off my chest
2.5 inches off my waist

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST FOR 2013 - 62.8 lbs (as of 12/26)

I came across the Weight Watchers' New Year, New You Challenge yesterday.  This 4 week challenge appears to be designed to help you get a jump start on your weight loss goal for 2014.  By committing to the challenge you're vowing to look towards the future not the past.  There are weekly tasks to help you be healthier and successful in reaching your goal.  Tasks are designed to keep you mindful in everything you do and help you navigate your journey.  This sounds like a great idea so I signed up as a participant.

Week 1 has two tasks, one immediate and the other long term.  The immediate task is to try food that you've never had before, preferably whole foods.  Well, I tried almond milk and other lettuces at my grandparents' house during our Christmas and PB2 (love it!) later so I say I'm good for this one.

The long term task is thinking outside the scale.  This involves a separate goal that has nothing to do with your weight or clothing size.  For me I think it would be to participate in some kind of personal development program.  I've been reading books but they're just not clicking for me, not holding my concentration.  Perhaps participating in a program with hands-on activity is the key.  Now to find these programs that won't cost an arm and a leg...

This new year also marks some changes to the blog.  First of all I'm moving my weekly updates to Wednesdays.  It just makes more sense to post the day after I've weighed in at Weight Watchers rather than the Sunday night after.  #WEIGHINWEDNESDAY

The second change is the introduction of healthy recipes on Tuesdays.  Mostly these recipes will be contributed but every once in a while it'll be something I've done (when I felt creative in the kitchen).  So what's the best way to do my weekly "call for recipes"?  #TASTYTUESDAY Non-recipe guest posts will be on Thursdays.

The third change is in the works.  I'm looking at ending Casually Cassi and moving all product reviews here.  It's just not getting the interaction and viewership that I thought I'd have.  I'm actually not getting more opportunities because of that.  Please leave your opinions of this transition in the comments.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. I have considered Weight Watchers but I wasn't sure if it would something I would really get value out of... it is pretty expensive. That said I am looking forwards to your thoughts as you progress. As for the changes, I like "TASTYTUESDAY" (for the calorie conscious). I think you're on the right rack with other items and would encourage you to keep experimenting. Good luck with all that work for in 2014. :-) From BHB/Susan Cooper

  2. Good luck with your 2014 goals. I'm looking forward to Tasty Tuesdays.

  3. I'm looking forward to coming back to check out your healthy recipes! Best of luck with your Weight Watchers challenge, I'm sure you will do great. Happy New Year

  4. Cassi, I love the ideas of tasty tuesdays!! I am always looking for more recipes and some of ones on pinterest are just CRAZY and not good for someone who wants to lose pounds!! You did a fantastic job with your weight loss so far!

    1. Yeah, those that wouldn't be so healthy are among the many on my "Food...for someone else's thought" board.

  5. Thanks for the links Angela! I'm not sure if I should focus on specific areas of personal development or take in a little bit of everything. I guess I have to just find what catches the most attention for me.

  6. #TASTYTUESDAY and #WEIGHINWEDNESDAY both sound like excellent ideas. Catchy. You may want to add #THROWBACKTHURSDAY, with photos or comments from before you lost sixty pounds. Ending Casually Cassi and concentrating most of your efforts in one place also sounds like a good idea. Good luck!

  7. Fun new ideas! I tried managing two blogs and felt like I didn't do well at either one. Concentrating your efforts here is probably a good idea.

  8. Wonderful year Cassi! I think the new ideas are great!

  9. Happy New Year, Cassi. Good luck with your weight goals. I have had several friends who have achieved great results via WW. I'll look forward to your tasty and healthy recipes on Tuesdays.

  10. Happy New Year Cassi! Sounds like you have set some super goals for yourself in 2014 and I somehow know that you will accomplish them. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress and most especially to Tasty Tuesdays!

  11. Your weight loss in 2013 has been amazing! You look great and I'm proud of you! I am going to look at the challenge, sounds like a good one. I also think combining both blogs would probably benefit you more so good luck with that! Happy New Year!

  12. I did weight watchers about 10 years ago and had great success. Good luck with it. I will be reading along with your journey :)
