Monday, June 10, 2013

Tai Cheng Week 5 - COMPLETED

After last week's painful blur the Neural Reboot 2 this week was a lot easier.  Foam rolling didn't produce as intense pain as the first week.  The pain hits about mid-thigh working both sides.  I tried to sit a little with the roller at that spot since that's what the PT had done.

Dr. Cheng has funny comments periodically throughout the routines.  An example that I missed out on last week was in his instructions for the Bretzel stretch.  He says, "Make it like you're at a southern barbecue and grab some ribs."  Nearly everyday I had a little chuckle when he said this.

Because of the blur I struggled a little with the combos this week.  I didn't remember even doing some of them!  I'm hoping the week 6 sequence will flow better than the combos.


  1. It doesn't sound like fun, but it sounds like a journey worth taking any way. Congrats on getting through another week.

  2. Is this something you do on-line? I could really stand to get serious about taking care of moi --- more exercise, eat better, drink more water and get better sleep (that last one is probably not going to happen.)

    1. No, it's not available online (as far as I know). You'd have to either buy the set or check out the DVDs from your local library (what I did). The library set didn't include any of the guides or supplies. I already had a tape measure but bought a foam roller.

    2. Here's the link to the Tai Cheng program

      You might also find a local gym that's doing this program if you prefer the group setting.

      The better sleep probably isn't going to happen for me either. My sleep isn't restorative. I've had 3 sleep studies and all they say is that I snore.

  3. Oops, I forgot to mention that I found your blog post via BHB!

  4. Keep on pushing. It is a struggle but there is light at the end of the tunnel and the experience of less pain is really proving you have already achieved so much!

  5. Bravo to you for pushing on. It sounds like you are really sticking with it and that is awesome.

    I have a cousin who is heavily into tai chi and competes. Is this similar?

    1. Yes, you're using Tai Chi moves individually (static moves), in pairs, and then in sequences of all 6 from that grouping. Next week introduces the final 6 moves. The Neural Reboot is the stretching Dr. Cheng has you do before working on the moves.
